What is the Online Amateur Radio Community (OARC)?

Welcome to the Online Amateur Radio Community [Club]. With over 1,700 members [September 2024] we are the largest online amateur radio club in the UK and Ireland. Whether you are new to Amateur Radio or have been on the air for many years, OARC is here for you.

The OARC community is hosted on the popular community platform discord. Discord allows you to communicate and collaborate with amateurs all over the UK, Ireland & the world 24/7 .

As a club, we provide training for all UK licence levels and are also an accredited Brickworks centre.

We are affiliated with the Radio Society of Great Britain and registered with both OFCOM & ComReg in Ireland.

Community Activities and Focus

The main activity hub of the club is on the discord server.

As our hobby is incredibly diverse,  the OARC discord server is split into many different topics called channels.  Channels are created organically as and when topics arise, and closed as interest slows down.

Below is a snapshot of the topics being discussed on a typical day!


To enjoy the privilege of transmitting, you will require a licence.  There are three levels of licence Foundation, Intermediate, and Full.   The licences are granted after passing an online examination, each giving  incrementally you the right to transmit on more bands with more power.

It is possible to take the examination without any formal training, but we recommend taking a course to give structure to your learning.

OARC has probably the largest online training school in the UK.  We offer interactive amateur radio training, provided by dedicated tutors covering all levels. With our back-to-back courses you could go from a general interest in amateur radio to Fully licenced in as little as six months!

The training is provided using a combination of tutor lead zoom meetings, mutual support groups using dedicated discord channels, and additional resources as required.

As our courses are focussed on getting you through the examination, the first time pass rate for students completing our courses is impressive.

Knowledge Share Wiki & Talks

We host our own wiki to enable us to share knowledge, and useful finds, with each other:

We run frequent community nights and events to share our successes and interests!

And, we have our own YouTube Channel!


The ‘Rubber Duck Pub’

Twice a month, members meet on Zoom for a casual night to chat, talk radio, talk real life or just enjoy each others company. All are welcome!

Join in the Online Fun


Click Here to Join

Click the image above to view an introductory video and apply to join!

On the Air

We operate 3 club call signs [including UK regional variants] and have arrangements to allow those at UK Foundation/Intermediate level to try out HF data modes [under supervision.] If you are interested in having a go, any of the community representatives will be happy to point you in the right direction

Digital Bridge

We host our own digital bridge to allow members to communicate via their local repeater, hotspots – or supported apps such as Echolink!

How do you operate without a committee?

Any member of the Online ARC is entitled to propose any idea that they wish to deliver for the betterment of the community. Proposed ideas are put up for a public vote and if approved are progressed by the proposer. A number of community representatives exist to facilitate such votes and undertake minor administrative duties – but have no executive power. Everything is run by the community for the community.

Although some of the less favourable administrative jobs may fall to the way side, it means people who are passionate to deliver projects are empowered to do so – a worth while trade off.