
The Online Amateur Radio Community Foundation Training Course is a fast-track online interactive course – typically run over 4/5 evenings over the space of 2 weeks!

During the course you will be invited to attend 5 online zoom sessions, each session includes:

  • Interactive learning activities, an opportunity to learn with fellow candidates.
  • Quizzes and activities to help bring the material to life
  • Recap presentations

Below is an overview of the topics covered in each session:

Session Summary
Session One
First Monday
Licensing Conditions & Callsigns
Session Two
First Wednesday
Theory, Circuit Symbols, Digital
Transmitters & Receivers
Session Three
First Friday
Feeders & Antennas
Session Four
Second Monday
Operating Practices & Procedures
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Session Five
Second Wednesday
Review, Exam Preparation, Q&A


Prior to the course you will need to :-

When/how to book your exam

We recommend that you take your exam within a week of completing this course. This will ensure the material is fresh in your mind. Exams are delivered by the RSGB using specialist software and video conferencing tools. Typically exams need to be booked 2-3 weeks ahead of time.  To apply for your exam click here: https://rsgb.org/exampay

What is the cost?

Course: £Free [Donations are welcome, all money is invested back in the community and used to cover delivery costs, such as Zoom, web hosting and community services.]
Exam: £32.50 [paid directly to the RSGB]
Licence: £0 [included in exam fee]
Literature: Foundation Book ~ £7.99 – available from the RSGB direct [here] and the usual online book / radio shops

Optional: If you intend to progress through to intermediate/full the RSGB Exam Secrets book is a great revision aid and covers all 3 levels – it costs £17.99 – if you are unlikely to progress beyond Foundation then alternative free revision aids are probably sufficent.

Who is this course for?

This course is aimed at those who benefit from an online interactive group learning experience. It’s targeted at those who are comfortable with modern communication methods.

How do I apply?

If you aren’t already a member of the OARC, Click Here or click the ‘Join Us’ link above to join our community.

To apply for a course click on the #course-registration and follow the instructions.

Course Dates

To find out when our next course starts click here: Course Dates

Are courses available to international students?

All our course content focuses on the UK amateur radio licencing exams. Anyone may undertake our course and sit the UK amateur licence exam provided by the Radio Society of Great Britain but, a pass at any level will in itself only allow you to apply for a licence to operate in the UK.

If you progress to the full level, you will also be issued a Harmonised Amateur Radio Examination Certificate which can be used to obtain a licence in a number of countries. See https://docdb.cept.org/download/2569 for more information.

Some other administrations may also issue reciprocal licences if you hold a full UK licence.

Whichever approach you take, the work required to progress through to full is significant so you may wish to check agreements locally.