In the next couple of weeks we will be discussing our training program for 2021, if you are interested in getting involved please let us know your availability by clicking the doodle link below:


Future news will be shared on discord, if this is the first you are hearing of us you will need to join here 

An agenda will be completed ahead of the meeting but it is expected to cover:

  • Consideration of a Foundation Training Program
  • Consideration of a returning to amateur radio program
  • Review of existing intermediate course
    • Identify team to review current intermediate material
    • Identify team to fix Intermediate Training Program for 2021
    • Identify team to deliver training material
  • Review of full support offering
  • Approach to examination
  • Confirmation who is happy to train

As with any club activity, although people are welcome to observe and offer suggestions, the delivery of training is very much dependent on the passion of the people doing it. Weight for suggestions or a given course of action is very much biased to those who also put there hands up to do! [TLDR – Most people who deliver training want suggestions to improve and want to deliver something special, but ultimately those delivering the training are doing it for free and have no obligation to consider your suggestion]