2022 is here and already OARC are planning for the year with many plans and ideas being put forward by the ever-active members. We have agreed that we’ll put together an informal newsletter so that we can keep track of all the great things that are happening so let’s make a start…..
Our training team continues to go from strength to strength, with ever growing demand for our Foundation, Intermediate and Full online courses we’re growing the team with more volunteers from within the membership to help and assist and enable us to provide a fuller schedule of courses throughout the year. All the details are on the Training page on the Wiki.
December saw the end of our latest Intermediate course with a few brave souls choosing to take the exam just before Christmas whilst others waited until the New Year – so far from that course we have over 20 people who passed – well done to all those who have passed and good luck to those still to sit the exam.
Also worth noting here that a number of people on that course progressed to it from our previous Foundation course and a large number have also now moved straight onto the current Full course – it’s great to see members work their way through their licence levels with us.
Now Covid restrictions are easing. we’re looking to attend some of the bigger rallies this year, we are going to be at Newark and we’re just discussing which other ones we will have a presence at so keep an eye out for announcements. If you would like to help out at one of these then please let us know.
We already have a couple of member led presentations booked in with more being organised, Thursday 3rd February brings you our Anytone AT-D878 night and Friday 18th March will be on Buying your first HF Radio. Both of these are being done by members and a great chance to pick up some great advice and be part of the community. If there is a topic you love and would like to do a presentation on then please let us know and we can work with you to make it happen.
As well as specific sessions like the above don’t forget our regular virtual Pub Nights which are held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month – why not pour yourself a drink and pop in, you’ll find a warm welcome and the regulars are mostly harmless lol! We also have a regular Community Development night – this is your chance as a member to help shape OARC and have your input so a great opportunity to discuss any ideas – you can also always suggest it as well on the #community-development channel as well on Discord
Talking of our Discord channel, on there you’ll find a wealth of information and expertise, there are always some great discussions being had on a variety of radio related topics. You have a question? You will almost certainly get it answered on Discord – just find the most relevant topic channel and ask away! There is a real community spirit where everyone helps out and supports other members, recently on the Morse channel one of the members kindly offered to make a 3D printed morse key for members at just materials cost! Morse not your thing? Well we have channels on Antennas, HF, VHF, portable operation, contesting, digital voice, data modes, satellite, SDR, 3D printing, field days, RX captures, SIP and many many more…….
Details on how to join the Discord channel as well as information on our training can be found on our Wiki page – https://wiki.oarc.uk/ – this too is constantly evolving and being updated by members to provide information on a number of relevant topics so remember to check it regularly.
Well that’s about it for the initial newsletter/update – we will build on these are the year goes on but remember OARC is shaped by the people in the community so don’t be shy and get involved!