As per the Online Amateur Radio Community Constitution [see member links above], this post is 2 weeks notice of our second annual general meeting to be held on Friday 27th May at 8:00pm – links will be made available on the community discord server.
The May Community night will follow immediately after.
The purpose of an AGM in a group such as this is to:
- prompt a review of the groups aims & terms of reference [if there is a need for a change, this will progress through the usual channels i.e. the #community-development area]
- allow community representatives to reaffirm that they wish to support the community [confirmation will be sought ahead of the meeting]
- allow those individuals holding liabilities for the community to present a summary of said liabilities for the year.
Following the AGM we shall hold our May community night, during which we will continue to discuss and plan events within the community – all are welcome – the more input we have the better the community!
Please note the meeting will be recorded and made available to members as normal. Some of you may have attended AGM’s in other clubs and societies, things are a little different for us as we don’t have a committee – all ideas are progressed by group consensus – as such the AGM only prompts discussion and the sharing of information – no decisions are made during the AGM itself.